Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Prettybird and Sourpuss

I am on the road again, heading to the St. Louis Art Fair.  Opening this Friday night on the streets of Clayton, MO it is the art show I have been looking forward to for months!  I will be surrounded by many of my favorite artists, and am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful work they will bring.  You can see the list of Mixed Media artists and links to their websites here and once you get there you can find your way to the other media.

I thought I'd take a minute to show you a couple of brand new pieces I will be bringing to this show, Prettybird and Sourpuss.

Prettybird is a pretty collage of a dress, sewing patterns and linoblock prints, incorporating a little painting of Tufted Titmouse eggs.  "Pretty" is stitched through the canvas above the dress.

And Sourpuss is an ironically warm piece about a bitter girl.  The dash marks behind the dress indicating that Sourpuss keeps score.  The lemons are painted on top of a repeat pattern carved and printed from linoleum.  Both pieces are 20" wide, by 24" tall.  $895

So if you are in the St. Louis area this weekend, come and find me, or pass this on to a friend.  And if you tell me you saw this blog, I'll give you 10% off your purchase!